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Biber Trailer Wheels
Diesel Engine MAN M9V46 for U-Boot IXC Revell
Sailors Resting on Bunks (3 Figures Set)
U-Boat Type VIIC Waterline
U-Boat U-IX Crew in Command Section
U-Boat U-IX Crew with Raincoats
U-Boot IX Bow Torpedo w/Loading Winch and Cart (for Revell)
U-Boot IX Exterior Set Part I (for Revell)
U-Boot IX Exterior Set Part II (for Revell)
U-Boot IX Flak-Vierling Conversion (for Revell)
U-Boot IX Open Front and Rear Torpedo Muzzle Doors (for Revell)
U-Boot IX Rear Torpedo Section & Crew bunks Revell
U-Boot IX Stern Torpedo w/Loading Winch and Cart (for Revell)
U-Boot IX Weapon Conversion set Revell
U-Boot IX electric motor section Revell
U-Boot Typ IX Command Section - Revell -
U-Boot Type IXC Crew in Galley (Set of 3)
U-Boot VII C Command section
U-Boot VII C Engine section
U-Boot VII C Officer's Ward rooms & Galley
U-Boot VII C Torpedo section
U-Boot VII-IX Ammo and Food Supplies (for Revell)
U-Boot typ IX Captain's & Officers' Ward Room - Revell -
U-Boot typ IX Front Torpedo Section - Revell -
U-Boot typ IX Galley - Revell -
U-Boot typ IXC Diesel Engine Section/ Dieselmotorenraum Revell
U-Boot typ IXC Front Crew Quarters Bugraum
U-IXC Crews Handling Torpedo
U-IXC Crews Having Rest
U-boat U-IX Crew returning from a cruise part. II (3 fig)
U-boat U-IX – Crew returning from a cruise part. I
U-boot VII Winch for loading torpedoes on sea
USS Gato class crew (armament crew in port) 3 fig + torpedo
USS Gato class crew (canon crew in action) 3 fig
USS Gato class crew (gard with binoculars) 3 fig