See our latest formation guides, produced in partnership with Hornby Magazine, focusing on Title Trains in the 1950s and 60s.

Titled Train Formations Guide - 1958-1967

Thursday, April 04 2019

Titled Trains (Era 5/6)

Titled Trains originated as a clever marketing tactic by railway companies to give a sense of prestige and dependability to their services.

The 'Irish Mail' was the first named train in Britain following a competition in The Railway Magazine in 1848. It didn't take long for other railway companies to follow suit with 'Flying Dutchman' being launched by the Great Western Railway (GWR) in 1849.

Such is the prestige and history associated with these trains that many people still recognise the names even today. Flying Scotsman, Cornish Riviera Express and Brighton Belle to name but a few.

We've worked with Hornby Magazine who have compiled a list of over 20 Titled Trains between 1950 and 1965 with 6 available in this article and a further 20 included on a full-colour A2 poster in the May issue (HM143) of Hornby Magazine.


Buy the May issue of Hornby Magazine today
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Shorthand Info & Key: 
Liveries: bg = blue/grey, mar = maroon, cho = chocolate and cream, gr = green, pul = pullman umber and cream, bl = blue

* - Not in current catalogue but may be available as a pre-owned item
# - Requires some modification
^ - Similar item



This means an item is available, or has been available in the past, that is suitable to represent a particular item in a formation. Click the link to go through to the product page.

This means the item is not available ready-to-run. If you click the icon and then add the 'Dreamlist' item to your wishlist then we will notify you via email if anyone subsequently announces a model of the item. Find out more about Dreamlist HERE.




'Mancunian' - Manchester London Road to London Euston - 1958
Patriot Class 4-6-0 in BR green with late crest hauling BR maroon Mk1 coaches
  6P Pat 4-6-0 * BSK mar SK mar SO mar x2 FO mar x2 RK mar * ^ FO mar BCK mar*  FK mar x2*
  6P Pat 4-6-0 BSK mar* SK mar* SO mar x2* FO mar x2* RK mar * ^ FO mar * BCK mar FK mar x2*
  6P Pat 4-6-0 BSK mar SK mar SO mar x2 FO mar x2 RK mar FO mar BCK mar FK mar x2



'Cambrian Coast Express' - London Paddington to Pwllheli/Aberystwyth - 1959
Castle Class 4-6-0 in BR green with late crest hauling chocolate and cream BR Mk1 coaches 
  Cas 4-6-0 BCK cho FK cho BSK cho SK cho FK cho RU cho FK cho BSK cho
  Cas 4-6-0* BCK cho FK cho BSK cho SK cho FK cho RU cho FK cho BSK cho
  Cas 4-6-0 BCK cho FK cho # BSK cho SK cho FK cho # RU cho FK cho BSK cho



'The Norseman' - Tyne Commission Quay to London King's Cross - 1961
Class A4 4-6-2 in BR green with late crest hauling BR maroon Mk1 coaches
  Class A4 4-6-2 * BSK mar SK mar SO mar RKB mar^ SO mar FO mar CK mar BSK mar
  Class A4 4-6-2 BSK mar SK mar* SO mar RKB mar^ SO mar FO mar CK mar BSK mar
  Class A4 4-6-2 BSK mar SK mar SO mar RKB mar^ SO mar FO mar CK mar BSK mar



'Brighton Belle' - London Victoria to Brighton - 1963
A pair of 5-BEL 'Brighton Belle' EMUs in Pullman umber and cream
  5-BEL end car pul x2 5-BEL mid cars pul x2              
Train consists of: DMBPT - TPFK - TPFK - TPT - DMBPT. Both end cars (DMBPT) available as one product while remaining intermediate cars come in another seperate pack.
  5-BEL pul x2 5-BEL mid cars pul x2              
Train consists of: DMBPT - TPFK - TPFK - TPT - DMBPT. Both end cars (DMBPT) available as one product while remaining intermediate cars come in another seperate pack.
  5-BEL 5-car unit pul x2                



'The Golden Hind' - London Paddington to Plymouth - 1964
A BR maroon Class 52 'Western' locomotive hauling BR Mk1 coaches in maroon and chocolate & cream
  Class 52 mar BSK mar SK mar SO mar RU mar FK mar x2 BCK mar BSK cho  
  Class 52 mar BSK mar SK mar* SO mar RU mar FK mar x2 BCK mar BSK cho  
  Class 52 mar BSK mar SK mar SO mar RU mar FK mar x2 BCK mar BSK cho  



'Golden Arrow' - London Victoria to Dover - 1967
A BR green Class 71 electric locomotive hauling a combination of BR Mk1 coaches, pullman coaches and SR PMVs
  Class 71 GUV bl * BSK bg SK gr x2 SO bg PFK pul * PFP pul x2* PMV gr x2  
  Class 71 GUV bl * BSK bg SK gr x2 SO bg * PFK pul PFP pul x2 PMV gr x2  
  Class 71 GUV bl BSK bg SK gr x2 SO bg PFK pul PFP pul x2 PMV gr x2  



Titled Trains Formation Map

This map should help to give an indication of where each of the above trains ran between and their route.
