Corgi AA36102.(C) PBY Catalina OA-10A - 'SNAFU Snatchers', 2nd Emergency Rescue Sqn., U.S.Navy, South Pacific

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Corgi   AA36102.(C)
1:72 Scale

PBY Catalina OA-10A - 'SNAFU Snatchers', 2nd Emergency Rescue Sqn., U.S.Navy, South Pacific

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(C) Indicates this product is guaranteed to have a limited edition certificate.

The Second Emergency Rescue Squadron was credited with rescuing over 700 downed fliers during their tenure in the South Pacific from the time they arrived in July 1944 until the end of the war in August 1945. Known as the "Snafu Snatchers", this squadron was the first Army Air Force unit of its kind in the Pacific. In July 1944, it was assigned to the 5th Air Force from which it was transferred to the 13th Air Force in September 1944. Using OA-10A's (equivalent to Navy PBY's) the Second Emergency Rescue Squadron retrieved over 300 airmen from death or capture during the first six months of its activity.